This Latest Equation might lastly Unite the two Largest Theories in Physics, Claims Physicist

One of the majority stubborn problems in physics today is the fact that our two top theories to explain the Universe - general relativity and quantum mechanics - function perfectly fine on their own, but as soon as you try to combine them, the maths presently doesn’t work out.
But a Stanford theoretical physicist has presently come up with a new equation that suggests the key to lastly connecting the two could be establish in bizarre spacetime tunnels called wormholes
The equation is dishonestly simple: ER = EPR.It’s not complete up of numerical values, but in its place represents the names of some key players in theoretical physics. 
On the one side of the equation, the ER stands for Einstein and Nathan Rosen, and refers to a 1935 paper they wrote jointly describing wormholes, known strictly as Einstein-Rosen bridges. 
On the correct side of the equation, EPR stand for Einstein, Rosen and Boris Podolsky, who co-wrote another paper that year telling quantum entanglement.
Back in 2013, physicist Leonard Susskind from Stanford University and Juan Maldacena from the organization for Advance learn at Princeton suggested that the two papers could be describing pretty much the same thing - something that no one else in the field had before considered, counting Einstein himself.
Now Susskind is back to talk about the implications if he’s in fact right. But first, let’s look at the person parts of this equation. 
First indirect by Einstein’s theory of universal relativity, wormholes are like tunnels between 2- places in the Universe.
In theory, if you fell in one side of a wormhole, you’d show on the other side almost immediately, even if it happened to be on the exact conflicting side of the Universe. 
But wormholes aren’t presently portals to one more place in the Universe; they’re portals between two times in the Universe. Like Carl Sagan once said, "You might emerge anywhere else in space, some when-else in time."
Quantum entanglement, on the extra hand, describes the way that two particles can interrelate in such a way that they become inexorably connected, and essentially 'share' an existence. 

This income that whatever happens to one particle will directly and instantaneously influence the other - even if it’s light-years away.
Okay, now let’s combine the two. 
In his latest paper, Susskind proposes a scenario where hypothetical Alice and Bob every take a bunch of entangled particles - Alice takes one associate of each pair, and Bob takes the other, and they fly off in opposite instructions of the Universe in their hypothetical hypersonic jets.
Once in their separate position, Alice and Bob smash their particles together with such great force, they make two separate black holes.
The result, says Susskind, is two entangled black holes on conflicting sides of the Universe, linked in the middle by a giant wormhole.
"If ER = EPR is correct, a wormhole will link those black holes; entanglement, therefore, can be described using the geometry of wormholes," says Tom Siegfried over at Science information.
"Even additional remarkable ... is the possibility that two entangled subatomic particles only are themselves somehow linked by a sort of quantum wormhole," Siegfried adds.
"Since wormholes are contortions of spacetime geometry - described by Einstein’s gravitational equations - identifying them with quantum entanglement would forge a connection between gravity and quantum mechanics."
Is Susskind right? It's not possible to say just yet, because while he's published his paper on pre-press website to be frankly scrutinised by his peers, it's yet to go through the formal peer-review process. 
But, as Siegfried information, Susskind isn't the only one going down this path. Earlier this year, a team of Caltech physicists came up with a similar hypothesis when they attempted to show how change in quantum state can be linked to curves in spacetime geometry.
In a blog post telling the hypothesis, one of the team, Sean M. Carroll, says the majority natural relationship between energy and spacetime curvature in this scenario is given by Einstein’s equation for universal relativity.
"The claim, in its the majority dramatic-sounding form, is that gravity (space time curvature caused by energy/momentum) isn’t hard to find in quantum mechanics - it’s automatic! Or at least, the majority natural thing to expect," he says.

We'll have to wait and see if ER = EPR or amazing closely related bears out, but it's surely food for thought, and Susskind for one thinks he's on to amazing here.
